Just an entry to have something new on it. I bought Exile on main street a few weeks ago. There are probably already millions of pages about this Ablum written and what am I, not even knowing all song names, supposed to say now. My favourite songs are probably the first one, rip this joint, let it loose, tumbling dice and shine a light. I also like this I don't want to talk about Jesus I just want to see his face. Whatever....
At the moment I skate pretty bad and it's annoying me. And I have too much little shit things to do and that's why I can not do all the stuff I want to. I come home at 4. It takes me mostly at least till 4:45 to be ready to do something. Then I skate mostly and that takes me mostly until 8 or 9. I try to go to bed around 12, but I eat and shower and talk so I just have maybe 2 hours left. Maybe 1 hour school stuff and the other hour I maybe do something else but not all of the things I want to do. For example I want to finish my book I borrowed from the libary in order to order another book before the year is over. I also want to go to the store and buy more Cd's and listen more to it. I want to read more skatemagazines and watch movies or skatevideos or something. Another thing is that I would like to be able to skate without having things in the back of my mind... 3 more weeks and school is out..
By the way Thrash Video 2 is about to come out. I just want to film more skating because the most skating so far sucks or consists of slamming so it doesn't really make sense. There are maybe 10 Tricks so far which are kind of good. So my promise is to release the second part sunday or something and film some stuff and the introduced K mart spot (mini flatrails yeahhhh). Okay, I am done for right now, it's almost 12 and I want to write an Email to a strange animal called wildtigercat. seesee
Torn And Frayed
All Down The Line
hey fliegende katze,
ich hab leider grad nur wieder sau kurz zeit, weil wir gleich nach halle fahren.. hmm, familienfeier und so:)
naja, ich habe dir gestern die email nicht schreiben können, weil ich bis sechs uhr nachmittags unterwechs war und von da an bis elf uhr zeitungen sortiert habe, weil die eben fertig sein müssen, damit helena die am samstag direkt austragen kann.. also war ich nicht am pc gestern. tut mir leid.. ich hoffe echt nicht, dass du irgendwie sauer bist oder so. aber ich schreibe dir die email auf jeden fall noch, habe ich dir ja versprochen :) spätestens dienstag, versprochen!? okay?
du kannst mir ja ne email zurückschreiben heute oder morgen oder so, wie's dir so geht und so weiter :) okay? würde mich freuen!
ich war gestern krass fett abchillen im tal josaphat. voll cool oder?! :D
auf der bank da hmm :)
ach herr je, wie gerne ich da meinem freund beim skaten zu geguckt hätte ;)
naja gut, ich muss dann jetzt auch wieder.
melde dich, bester :*
ich liebe dich ein ganz bisschen.. viel :)
kuss von deinem kleinen schwein
unterweGs, sorrü :P
und helena die am montag direkt sorieren kann, nicht samstag :)
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